The Pop Quiz

A Learning/Brain Break/Warm up Activity!

This is a fun game to play that can be used for any subject.  It combines a subject review, movement, suspence, and fun in one game.


What is the pop quiz?  The pop quiz is a review game that the kids play in class.  I developed health curriculum related questions--all true/false.  Students stand next to their desk and wait for the question.  If they think the statement is True-they stand on their desk chair.  If they think the statement is false, they stand next to their desk.  You play until all students are eliminated but 1.  (Sometimes there is no winner---students learn to strategize, they also learn that following their classmates is not always wise.)


The winning participant gets to pick a balloon from the many that are hanging from my ceiling.  Inside are little strips of paper with prizes on them.  I DO NOT GIVE CANDY!!!  Candy is not good for kids, food shouldn't be used for reward, and hello, do you really want to contribute to the declining health of our chidren???  


Instead, I have healthy rewards.  Here are a few:  

  • 5 minutes free time
  • Recess
  • Comfy Chair
  • Speedball Game
  • 2 extra credit points
  • 5 Banana Bucks
  • Sit by a Friend
  • Free Sticker


My class plays every Monday morning.  They look forward to it.  They ask for it.  They learn from it.  They move during it.  I have gotten to the point where I even practice my poker face to mess with them--are you down???  Are you still in the game???  Anyone can win this game.  Anyone can lose.  I mix subjects that we have covered from the past or upcoming subjects.  


It took me a couple years to really come up with a great data bank of questions.  I just keep adding them.  Also, I used other resources through pinterest and quizlets to find great already made questions.  


History of the pop quiz:  Well, I came up with this idea after a weekend up north with teacher friends.  We saw the balloons hanging for a game while we were on that trip.  That idea combined with seeing another teacher doing a review with her kids.  If students thought they knew the answer to the question, they would "pop" onto their desks so she would call on them.  (Ms. V.-5th grade awesomeness) Combine the two and add a few twists and turns and you have "popping" goodness.  When I first introduce the game it's fun to see new students eyes pop out because they think they are taking a pop quiz.  In the meantime all the other kids that have played it before are cheering, it is true comedy.  



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