2016 6th Grade Tobacco Unit:

Tobacco Wheel of Yuck!

Tobacco Wheel of Yuck! Game Directions:

Students will toss the ball around the classroom (speedball).  If a student gets out of the game (drops ball, bad throw, hits something they shouldn't hit, etc., this signifies that they have fallen to peer pressure.  At this point everyone puts their heads down and we spin the wheel.  The student then has to look up the tobacco consequence online and share what they found.  The game continues while they search.  

Tobacco Day 1:

Complete:  "What Do You Know About the Dangers of Tobacco" Prequiz

Read: "Stay Smart about Tobacco"-Scholastic Article

Watch:  "The Totally Gross Out Tobacco" Video

Play:  "Not My Cigarettes" Game


Tobacco Day 2:

Complete: the Stay Smart Scholastic Article.

Read: Chapter 13-Teen Health Text

Gather: 5 facts.

Tobacco Day 3:

Read and Complete:

  • "E-Cigarettes:  What You Need to Know" 
  • wksht-"E-Cigs:  Behind the Marketing"
  • "The Science of Decision Making and Peer Pressure"
  • wksht-Making Smart Decisions"
  • wksht-"Know the Facts"

Tobacco Day 4/5:

 Final Poster/Project:  

  • Using the Rubric, students will gather information to complete the rubric checklist.  Using this information and the rubric checklist, students will create and design a poster that teaches teens to "Stay Smart and Stay Tobacco Free!"


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