This list and pictures will be coming soon. The items will also be collected through out the semester so check back often!
1. Port Pirate Hat
2. Nerf Football
3. Milwaukee Brewers Stress Ball
4. Foam Stress Ball
5. Ear Cuffs
6. Rebels Football Key Chain
7. Hacky Sack
8. Bracelets
9. Brown Bag Suprise Pack
10. Silly Face Glasses
11. Paddle Ball Game
12. Lanyards
13. Super Ball
14. Smoothie Made in class or delivered at lunch.
15. Football Trading Cards
16. Port Pirate Pumpkin Head (Potatoe Head--but a Port Pumpkin)
17. Juggling Scarfs
18. Plastic Football Ring
19. Paparazzi Heart Ear Rings
20. Giraffe Bracelet
21. Port Pirate Necklace (Girl)
22. Bucks Bobble Head
23. Christmas Candle
24. Bret Favre Bobble Head
25. Photo Board
26. Photo Display Magnet
27. Rubber Band Bracelets-Created and donated by: Katie Erlandson
28. Ear Rings-Clear/Green Dangling-Created and donated by: Jane Kautz
29. Soccer Ball-Small Size--Donated
More to come!
Pictures soon!
I take donations! If you are cleaning up around the house and have junk that someone else may like, think about donating it for the auction.
If students have a skilled trade, for example, make jewelry, I will pay banana bucks for their donations. I'm donating some of my jewelry to the auction and some of my students have said that they would like to donate as well. (Friendship braceletes, ear rings, etc.)
In this classroom we love the idea of having a trash to treasure twist to the auction. One mans trash is another's treasure!
: )